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StreamFusion Installation

This page details the process of installing StreamFusion and its dependencies using Docker Compose, offering a simple and efficient method to deploy the entire stack.


Before starting the installation, make sure you have fulfilled all the prerequisites mentioned in the prerequisites page.

Automatic dependency management

Docker Compose will automatically handle the installation of all dependencies, whether mandatory or optional, greatly simplifying the deployment process.

Installation Steps

Follow these steps to install StreamFusion on your system.

1. Creating the Docker network for the proxy

Before configuring the services, we'll create a dedicated Docker network for the proxy. This network will allow secure communication between the different containers in your StreamFusion stack.

Create the Docker network named proxy_network with the following command:

docker network create proxy_network

Importance of the proxy network

Creating a dedicated network for the proxy offers several advantages:

  • Isolation: Services can communicate with each other without being directly exposed to the outside.
  • Security: You can precisely control which containers can communicate with each other.
  • Flexibility: It facilitates adding or removing services without disrupting the rest of the stack.

Network verification

You can verify that the network has been correctly created with the command:

docker network ls
You should see proxy_network in the list of available networks.

2. Creating the directory

Start by creating a new directory dedicated to the StreamFusion stack:

mkdir streamfusion && cd streamfusion


This step allows you to keep all StreamFusion-related files in one place, facilitating management and future updates.

3. Downloading the docker-compose.yml file

Download the docker-compose.yml file from the official GitHub repository:

curl -O

File verification

After downloading, it is recommended to check the contents of the file to ensure it hasn't been altered during the transfer.

4. Creating the .env file

Create a .env file in the same directory to store environment variables:

nano .env

Copy and paste the following content, replacing the values with your own:

# StreamFusion

Security of sensitive data

Never share your API keys or tokens. Make sure your .env file is not publicly accessible and consider using a secrets manager for increased security.

Configuring environment variables

The following table details each environment variable:

Variable Description Required
SECRET_API_KEY Secret key for admin panel access Yes
TMDB_API_KEY API key for The Movie Database Yes
JACKETT_API_KEY API key for Jackett (torrent indexing) No
RD_TOKEN Real-Debrid token for a unique account No
AD_TOKEN AllDebrid token for a unique account No
YGG_PASSKEY YGGTorrent passkey for a unique account No
SHAREWOOD_PASSKEY Sharewood passkey for a unique account No

Obtaining API keys

To obtain the necessary API keys:

  • TMDB: Create an account on The Movie Database and generate an API key in your account settings.
  • Jackett: Install Jackett and find the API key in the web interface.
  • Real-Debrid Token: Here: Real-Debrid Token.
  • AllDebrid Token: Follow the tutorial here: AllDebrid Tutorial.

Launching the Docker Compose stack

Once the docker-compose.yml and .env files are configured, launch the stack:

docker compose up -d

Verify that all containers are running:

docker compose ps

Initialization and configuration

  • During initialization, Zilean downloads all DMM hashlists and indexes them in the PostgreSQL database.
  • With the current configuration, optimized for low-resource systems, this process can take between 2 and 5 hours, depending on the machine's CPU power.
  • Zilean's IMDB fetching is disabled by default in this configuration to save time and resources.
  • All these options are configurable. For more details, see the Advanced Configuration section.

Monitoring initialization

You can follow the initialization process in real-time with the command:

docker compose logs -f zilean

Updating and management

Keep your StreamFusion installation up-to-date and manage it effectively.

Updating containers

To update StreamFusion containers:

  1. Pull the latest images:

    docker compose pull

  2. Restart the containers with the new images:

    docker compose up -d

Update frequency

It is recommended to check for updates at least once a week to benefit from the latest features and security fixes.

Managing the installation

Useful commands for managing your installation:

  • Stop the stack: docker compose down
  • View logs: docker compose logs -f [service_name]
  • Restart a specific service: docker compose restart [service_name]


Remember to regularly backup your docker-compose.yml and .env files, as well as Docker volumes if you want to preserve your data. You can automate this process with a backup script.

Basic backup script

mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR
cp docker-compose.yml .env $BACKUP_DIR
docker compose exec postgres pg_dump -U postgres > $BACKUP_DIR/database_backup.sql

By following these instructions, you will have a robust and well-managed installation of StreamFusion. Don't hesitate to consult the documentation for more advanced configurations or optimizations specific to your use case.