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Nginx Proxy Manager

This guide will walk you through setting up a reverse proxy for StreamFusion using Nginx Proxy Manager and Cloudflare for domain management.

Domain Configuration with Cloudflare

Before configuring the reverse proxy, you need to set up your domain with Cloudflare.

Cloudflare Documentation

For a detailed guide on configuring your domain with Cloudflare, please refer to the official Cloudflare documentation.


If you haven't configured your domain with Cloudflare yet, verifying domain ownership may take a few hours.

Creating Subdomains

Once your domain is configured with Cloudflare, you need to create the necessary subdomains.

  1. Get the public IP address of your VPS:

    wget -qO- | xargs echo

  2. In the Cloudflare dashboard, go to the "DNS" section.

    Cloudflare DNS

  3. Create the following DNS records:

    A Record for the Root Domain

    Type Name Content Proxy status
    A @ [Your public IP address] Proxied

    CNAME Records for Subdomains

    Type Name Content Proxy status Comment
    CNAME proxy @ Proxied Nginx Proxy Manager
    CNAME streamfusion @ Proxied StreamFusion
    CNAME jackett @ Proxied Jackett (optional)
    CNAME zilean @ Proxied Zilean API (optional)

    Cloudflare Proxy

    Ensure the proxy status is activated (orange) for all your records to benefit from Cloudflare protection.

Here's what your final DNS configuration should look like:

ALL Cloudflare DNS

Installing Nginx Proxy Manager

Creating the Directory for the Reverse Proxy

  1. Connect to your VPS via SSH.
  2. Create a new directory for Nginx Proxy Manager:
    mkdir nginx-proxy-manager && cd nginx-proxy-manager

Configuring docker-compose.yml

Create a docker-compose.yml file in this directory:

nano docker-compose.yml

Copy and paste the following content:

    image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
    restart: unless-stopped
      - '80:80'
      - '81:81'
      - '443:443'
      - ./data:/data
      - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
      - proxy_network

    external: true

Docker Network

Make sure the proxy_network has been created previously as indicated in the StreamFusion installation guide.

Launching Nginx Proxy Manager

Start Nginx Proxy Manager with the following command:

docker compose up -d

Configuring Nginx Proxy Manager

Accessing the Admin Interface

  1. Open your browser and go to http://<your_vps_ip>:81

Port Opening

Make sure ports 80, 81, and 443 are open in your firewall.

  1. Log in with the default credentials:
  2. Email: [email protected]
  3. Password: changeme


Change the password and email immediately after your first login!

Creating Proxy Rules

We'll configure the proxy rules for Nginx Proxy Manager together as an example:

  1. Click on "Proxy Hosts" then "Add Proxy Host".

Proxy Hosts Add Proxy Host

  1. Fill in the fields:

    Field Value
    Domain Names Enter the full subdomain (e.g.,
    Scheme http (We're going through the Docker network)
    Forward Hostname / IP Docker service name (e.g., npm for Nginx-Proxy-Manager)
    Forward Port Service port (e.g., 81 for Nginx-Proxy-Manager)

    Proxy Host Configuration

  2. In the "SSL" tab, select "Request a new SSL Certificate" and check "Force SSL".

    SSL Configuration

  3. Enter your email and click "Save".

    Save Proxy Host

Docker Service Names

Make sure the service names in your StreamFusion docker-compose.yml match the Forward Hostname you use here. The same applies to ports; you'll find them in the expose section of your StreamFusion docker-compose.yml.

Configuring Other Services

Here's a summary table of default information for other services:

Host Port
stream-fusion 8080
jackett 9117
zilean 8181
stremio-catalog-providers 7000
stremio-trakt-addon 7000
stremio-addon-manager 80

Verification and Testing

After configuring all your services:

  1. Access your services via their respective subdomains (e.g.,
  2. Verify that the connection is secure (HTTPS) and that the SSL certificate is valid.

Configuration Complete

Your reverse proxy is now configured and secured. Your services are accessible via HTTPS and protected by Cloudflare.

Additional Security for Nginx Proxy Manager

Once you've completed the reverse proxy configuration and verified that everything works correctly, you can increase security by limiting direct access to the Nginx Proxy Manager admin interface.

Modifying docker-compose.yml

  1. Return to the Nginx Proxy Manager directory:

    cd ~/nginx-proxy-manager

  2. Edit the docker-compose.yml file:

    nano docker-compose.yml

  3. Comment out the line that exposes port 81:

        image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
        restart: unless-stopped
          - '80:80'
          # - '81:81'  # Comment out this line
          - '443:443'

  4. Save and close the file (Ctrl+X, then Y, then Enter).

Restarting the Container

After modifying the file, restart the container to apply the changes:

docker compose up -d

Accessing the Admin Interface

After this modification, you will no longer be able to access the admin interface via http://<your_vps_ip>:81. You'll need to use the subdomain you configured (for example,

Enhanced Security

This additional step prevents direct access to the Nginx Proxy Manager admin interface from the outside, thus strengthening the security of your installation.

Maintenance and Security

  • Regularly check for Nginx Proxy Manager updates.
  • Monitor logs for any suspicious activity.